Saturday, January 3, 2015

Historical and critical points in adsense

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historical and critical points in adsense
AdSense is an advertising partnership program through the medium of the Internet are hosted by Google. Through AdSense advertising program, the owner of the website or blog that has been signed and approved for membership may put an ad units that form and material has been determined by Google in their web pages. The owner of the website or blog will get profit sharing revenue from Google for each ad clicked by visitors to the site, which is known as a pay per click (PPC) or pay per click.
In addition to providing ads with pay-per-click system, also provides a Google AdSense AdSense for search (AdSense for Search) and ad landing (Referral). In AdSense for search, web site owners can install the Google search box on their web pages. The site owner will get revenue from Google for each search conducted visitors through the search box, which continues to click on ads that are included in the search results. On referral ads, the site owner will receive income after clicking on the advertisement continues with specific actions by visitors who have agreed on between Google and advertisers.

History of AdSense

historical and critical points in adsense
 AdSense program established after Google acquired Pyra Labs in February 2003. The next month, exactly on March 4, 2003, Chairman and CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, announced a content-targeted advertising service called AdSense. To support the adsense program, on 23 April 2003 or a month later that Google acquired Applied Semantics AdSense technology support services.

Since established AdSense, AdSense for Content unit only supports English and several languages of countries in Europe, the Middle East and East Asia, and Southeast Asian countries, namely the Thai language. But finally on February 1, 2012 Google officially announced that Indonesian is now supported for displaying AdSense for Content ad units, after the Indonesian previously only supported for AdSense for Search only units. AdSense for Content now supports 36 languages of the world.

On November 7, 2012 announced the update application AdSense application for a new publisher who signed up for AdSense through the host partner, meaning that new applicants who signed up for AdSense through YouTube, Blogger and Hubpages. Since that time the AdSense account can be divided into two kinds, namely AdSense account hosted and non-hosted AdSense account. Based on Google's official records, th
[1]e number of AdSense publisher has now reached more than 2 million publishers worldwide 

very promising indeed about adsense ads but you should consider beberapacar to meet the criteria in order to be received in google adsense

1. Creating Unique Content on Your Site

As mentioned previously, the originality of an idea or content on your website is an important value for Google Adsense. They pay attention to whether the content in a useful website for others or not.

The actual content on the internet, many are discussing the same topic. However, the way of presentation or a different way of writing. For example, you write about "how to plant a rose", of course, there is a lot of content on other sites that discuss this. However, how to write and how to present content on your blog is definitely different from the content on other people's blogs. Well, if your content is the result of copy and paste from other sources, most likely your site will not be approved to participate in the Google Adsense PPC program.

2. Note Age Site registered at

Let's not be too hasty to register your blog to Google Adsense because they pay attention to the age of the website, the amount of content, the number of visitors, page views, and others. If you currently have a blog which is already 6 months old, already filled with a lot of content, and have a stable unique visitors, it could convince the Google Adsense that your blog is a good place to advertise.

3. Note the Total Content to the Website / Blog

The amount of content is one of the important factors to be accepted in Google Adsense. I'm not sure how much the minimum content of a website in order to be accepted, but I personally would be more readily accepted if we have a lot of content websites. I personally suggest to make a minimum of 60 content articles before signing up with Google Adsense.

For a blog shaped site, you should diligently to update the content on your blog as this could affect the valuation of Google. Blogs are frequently updated by their owners will certainly have a better chance accepted by Google Adsense compared with blogs that are rarely updated.

4. Use or

Well, this is very important to note. If you already have a domain and hosting your own, then the chances of being accepted by Google Adsense would be great, of course, having regard to the previous points. However, if you want to use a domain and hosting for free, and wants to be a Google Adsense publisher, then you should use

Google Adsense can not be installed on a blog created by, either the domain or subdomain in WordPress itself are using free hosting on WordPress. It is the policy of (TOS) from the itself, can be read here. is a free blogging service provided by the Google. Surely this is a distinct advantage for those who use it because during the Google always gives a chance to the users to monetize their blog with Google Adsense program.

If you do not want to create a blog, there are still other ways, namely through Surely you must have some original video content uploaded to This video should have the views are pretty much in order to be accepted in the Google Adsense program.

5. Supporting Information

It's good your site is equipped with supporting information pages, such as page About, Privacy Policy, Contact, TOS. It will make your site look serious and pay attention to your blog visitors.


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